sábado, 29 de fevereiro de 2020

Review of Stephen Perks' Christianity and Law By Dr. Greg Bahnsen


Penpoint Vol. V:5 (June, 1994) © Covenant Media Foundation, 800/553-3938

Review of Stephen Perks' Christianity and Law
By Dr. Greg Bahnsen

This is the latest publication from the pen of Stephen Perks, the Director of the Foundation for Christian Reconstruction in Great Britain. Everyone who takes a serious interest in the theonomic dialog of our day must make a point of getting this fine, 80-page monograph (including bibliography and index). Perks has done us all a service in producing it.
The full title is Christianity and Law: An Enquiry into the Influence of Christianity on the Development of English Common Law. The publication includes an appendix which in itself makes it worthwhile to get the monograph: a translation and reproduction of the laws of the famous and influential ninth-century monarch, King Alfred. You must read them, noting their unapologetic use of the decalogue and judicial statutes of Exodus 21-23.
No longer will the historical debate over theonomic ethics focus narrowly on the 16th-17th century Puritan beliefs and practices regarding the Old Testament civil laws (whether in old England or New England), although research in that area, especially pertaining to the Westminster Confession, shows how theonomic our English and American, Reformed forefathers were. But Perks has demonstrated how thoroughly theonomic was the growing tradition of English common law.
Perks says "Our very concepts of justice, due process and the rule of law are Christian ideals which we should never have known had the Christian faith not taken root in this land and transformed the nation from a pagan into a civilised society." Perks shows and explains how English law was formed under the guiding conviction that "Any law is or of right ought to be according to the law of God."
Historians and legal theorists should find this quick-read fascinating. Perks does a commendable job of defining important and archaic terms.
Published by Avant Books in Whitby, England, American readers can order the text from Great Christian Books (410 392-0800). Good Listening:

Judy Rogers Tapes
Guitar in hand, Bible in heart, Judy Rogers is a tremendous and refreshing force for good in our wicked age -- for good music, for good thinking, and for good living -- whether you're a child or adult.
Judy is sold-out to the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave her a warm and expressive personality, a charming voice and a gift for lyrics -- clever, insightful, and moving messages which promote Biblical reflection, Reformed theology, and godly living. This shows through her tapes (a half dozen now), which have been received with enthusiasm and appreciation in our circles, gaining greater and greater recognition in the wider Christian community. It's a joy to hear her sing.
Judy is the wife of Rev. Wayne Rogers, the pastor of St. Paul Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS. She performs concerts for churches and other Christian groups, and her upbeat music has been a blessing to the many audiences who have listened to her praise Christ in song. She has a unique ability to communicate to children through her music.
If you have not heard Judy yet, you should get hold of her tapes (write to 5125 Robinson Road, Jackson, MS 39204 or call 601 372-6858). They include:

Pilgrim's Praise - worship and praise songs based on Bunyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress
Stand Up! - addressing issues which press upon teenagers, both believers and unbelievers
Walkin' Wise - teen applications from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
Go to the Ant! - clever songs for children from the book of Proverbs
Why Can't I See God? - singing through the theology of the shorter catechism (supposedly for children, but...)
Arise! Shine! - psalms, hymns and spiritual songs which feature Judy's compositions from Scripture and new arrangements to old hymns; Judy is accompanied by the soprano voice of Becky Morecraft, her sister.

ICET - Instituto de Cultura e Educação Teonomista

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